Bryce loves to fish and hunt as you may know! So this is his latest trip! He loves fishing for Steelhead. They are so big! He went with his friends Tim and Crag. Thay sleep in tents by the water and get up too early! I am glad Bryce can go out and have fun! He comes home so tired and fall asleep all over. I love him!!! But I hate fish!!!! The smell the taste the feel not a fun thing for me. I won't even cook it. If he wants it he can make it! Does that make me a bad wife. Sorry!
well kinda. just kidding! i hate fish too!! SICK! Bryce is a lazy bumb tell him i said that. TELL HIM!!!!!
Nooo Way! I hate fish too! Besides I don't even know how to cook it...huh...I guess that's good for me! Those are some big fish. Andy will be jealous!
If you ask me you are too nice to Bryce! It looks like he had fun but what was the trade off? Does that make me a bad wife?
I love that you are a BAD wife. I am the same kind of wife. BUt you make up for it in several other ways. So glad you moved back to the nieghborhood. tee hee hee.
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