Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our family of 5


Kaylene said...

What a cute little guy! Congrats!

White Family said...

HOW CUTE!! Loved all the pictures! How exciting to finally have a son in the family! They're super fun, and how awesome that Emily can get him to sleep!! I can't wait for that day! :) Congrats! Hopefully we get to see you sometime... Maybe during Spring Break! We'll be down in March from the 13- 20 or something like that, but we'll be doing a lot with drews farewell, dinner, taking him to the airport, etc.. We'll be in touch! :)

Megan Johnson said...

What a cute little baby boy. He looks so adoreable! Congrats! Kara looks so much older! How old is she?

Stacey said...

Congratulations! He's very cute - and you look good too Valerie! (Not to leave the rest of the good-looking family out).

Natalie Tidwell said...

Aren't boys great! Congrats--hopefully we'll be visiting Idaho at some point this summer and can catch up with you guys. Love the photos--tell Bryce hi too!

Gus and Carolee Drake said...

I loved all of the pics! Especially the one I took! Ha! Man that boy is so so so cute... or as Sarah Jane would say "I love her." See you on Sunday to kiss that baby Landy's cheeks!