Saturday, March 14, 2009

My new toy!

So Bryce told me he had a suprise for me and told me to close my eyes and so I did but I didn't have any clue as to what it was! I thought it was like a dead fish (he had come home from fishing like 2 days before)so I oppened my eyes and couldn't beleave he was serious. He got me a bow! It is so nice I just shot it a bunch and it fits well and most important it is MINE!! He bought it off Crags list for $150 and it came with 8 arrows, a dropaway rest, and a sweet quiver! I love it Thanks Bryce!


The Perry's said...

Whoa woman!! Look at you!!!! What is Bryce going to do when you get a bigger bull then he does this year? I'm glad you were so excited about your suprise and I love that he suprised you...suprises are the best. Have fun with you new bow

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

Wow that IS nice!! Bryce can be nice i suppose. ha. Good job Bryce! now i just need won since Daniel has one, then we can go hunting together without that weapon barrier between us...

Gus and Carolee Drake said...

It is a nice bow Valerie but you know that he is just trying to butter you up so that you will go hunting with him EVERY time he goes... who will raise your girls? Now you have no excuses. Please don't shoot me for saying that!