We had a fun walk on the green belt one day! We feed the ducks, Emily actually let the ducks eat out of her hand! We also took these family pictures! Emily and kara loved cloming on the rocks!
Emily was in preschool this year with her cousins and she loved it!She learned a ton and I cant beleive she is going to be in Kindergarden this year! We took a feild trip to the fire station and the kids had a great time!
We are happy and doing great! Here is a little update! * Bryce sold our pest control buisness in January and we are so happy about that! He now works selling cars at Image Auto in Boise and is doing great. He plans to go back to school in the fall! *Valerie is buisy with her calling as primary president. Our stake likes to have 2 programs a year, and we just did the first one! She is also so happy to not have the pestcontrol buisness and is loving being home with the 3 kids! *Emily is in Kindregarten and loving it. She is down to the last days and is so excited to have a break. She just learned how to ride her bike with out training weels and is off running! She loves her brother Landon and holding him makes her happy anytime! *Kara is doing great, she has her mom days when Emily is at school and gets my full attention, and gets to have Landon all to herself. She loves movies and playing outside when it is nice. *Landon is growing fast and is already rolling over. He loves his sisters and gets a big grin when they look at him! He loves his fingers, toys and anything else he can put in his mouth! So slobbery! *We all are so happy and have a great life! We are so excited for the summer to come and for all the fun we will have out in the fresh air!
Emily is a great big sister! she can even get him to sleep!
Kara loves to hold her brother but only for 1 or 2 min. then she is done!
our sweet baby boy! just 2 weeks and so happy!
Lovely Kara
Christmas Dress
Beautiful Emily
christmas dress
Bryce, Valerie, Emily, Kara and Landon Waite
We have a new baby boy! Landon Levi! We love him and are so happy!
Sorry I have been a bad blogger! The last 6 months have been just boring I guss! Not really! We are doing well and we are so happy! I will update soon! I love my family and feel so blessed to have them all!
Washing the walls!
Right before we moved Emily and Kara decided to color on the walls with crayons and this is how they were punished for it! HAHAHA
Emily and her Homaid pizza!
I let the girls take the left over dough and make their own little pizzas!
Kara and her homeaid pizza!
We love Dad!
Dress up
Emily got a treaure box full of dress up clothing and she loves it! Kara is just a good sport she likes the shoes.
Kara's Favorite things...
#1 Emily. (Kara will follow emily all over the place. she makes noises like Emily and does everything like Emily.) #2 Her baby. (Kara has to have a baby in her bed to sleep with she says "baaaby") #3 Her nap times. (Kara has a long nap in the middle of the day I love it I mean she loves it.) #4 Saying HI. (Kara will say hi to almost everyone, even in the store she just yells it to everyone she sees.) #5 Cookies (It dosent matter where she is if she sees or hears the word she is all over it, she is a begger!) #6 Loves being 16 months! We love Kara Sue!
My new hair!
Well one day I was eating breakfast and Bryce looked at me and said you need a new hair style and so I said ok get the sissors! And he was like no no just kidding but I just was in one of those moods and so I made him cut my hair and he did a good job! I love my husband! He is very picky so I let him do what he wanted to my hair and you can see it in the family picture above! I am happy with it I think it just needs a little shaping!
Emily's Favorite things...
#1 Princess movies (she could watch them all day everyday. her goal is to become a princess.) #2 Her sister Kara (Emily loves it when kara jumps on her and then they play all day.) #3 Her Cousins. (Emily gets to play with her cousins all the time and loves it.) #4 Nursery (Emily loves her friends in nursery and always talks about them.) #5 being 3! We love our Emily!!
Valerie's favorite things...
#1 her Family. (She loves having 2 little girls and a great husband.) #2 Reading (she loves a good book like twilight) #3 Scrapbooking (although she hasent done it in so long) #4 Her Family (She loves to have sister days and see her brothers and sisters and parents.) #5 her Friends (She likes to spend time with friends) #6 being a mom!
Bryce's Favorite things
Bryce likes to.... #1 Hunt he hunts most of the year. #2 Play with his Girls. he chases Emily and Kara around the house (kind of like he is hunting them! HA) #3. Fishing. he fishes not as much now that he hunts everything! But he likes to hunt with his dad. #4 spend time with family. Love you Bryce!
Bryce and I got married on Aug. 27th. We have 2 girls Emily and Kara. Emily was born on July 24th 2005, Kara was born on July 7th 2007.
I love my family and Life is good!
Ok so I have a hard time updaiting my blog! We have fun but I forget what we do! also I hate that it takes so long to add photos. I am going to update you on my life and if I feel like waiting for the picts I will add later! So after Kara's birthday we went to washington, for a reunion it was so fun the Flakes! We were right on the beach it was beautiful. I love to see my cousins every year it is great to have their examples in my life and also the fun we have. Well after Emily's birthday we had a Waltman reunion it was fun it was my brothers, sisters, parents, and their grandchildren we had 71 of us their so we had to have it at a church camp. After that I crashed I just needed a little brake I was so buisy with planing that reunion and work (A+), and my new calling (stake primary sec.). So last week I took the week off only doing the nessisitys like LAUNDRY, and A+ and a little cooking! It was great. Now I am back to work and life! We went to the Caldwell night rodeo that was fun with Pat, Cindy,and Kids, Andrea, and Kelly. We saw My dad and Vaughn and his kids, Shari and Elliot and kids, and ? Sorry if I forgot you. Well This is my life up to now! OH yah I allmost forgot I am starting "A new Dawn" In about 30 min. so don't bug me Ha I will welcome any buggs. Thanks for reading this borring long letter! I am doing it mostly to keep me updated.
The Girls and I decided to go out and look at the beautiful sunset.
It was a little windy so the girls hid under the blanket! But look at my girls Blue eyes in this one! I always seem to get the red in them all the time so this is like the first that you will be able to see there eyes!
Emily so goofy!
Our Family
Ok well I haven't updated in so long and now I just bombard you with a million pictures and stuff! Well Life here lately is crazy! Bryce is working hard and is gone most of the day selling our pest control. We just brought on a partner a brother in-law Kelly and so that is taking the service end of it off Bryce and so he is just doing the selling! I am stuck in the office most of the time with the office work. I spend about 12-16 hours a week in the office that may not sound like alot but having Emily and Kara at the same time it makes it last longer! Emily is doing great she loves her outside time. We set up her "fishin' pool" as she calls it just a wader pool. she loves it! She puts her toys in it but she will not get in, it is "tooooo cod" for her! Kara is finally getting over her Colds. she is getting happy again she was teathing and then got a cold then got better just to get hit by the cold all over again. She fially started to crawl. She started out in a army crawl and then went to the one foot down and one knee and now she is on all fours. She has also been pulling herself up to things and then getting stuck there! she is fun and she loves Emily! She now can follow Emily around and I think it will be so fun when she is walking! She is close she walks along the couch and stuff. Our lives are so blessed and we are happy!
Emily, Josh, Kara, Cammi, Shanna, and Mariah. Brents kids fun
Kara is funny!
Blue eyed sisters
I finally got them matching shirts and They are so cute!
Emily's favorite thing
Getting water from the sink in a little cup!
Emily loves, her stars shirt!
The Storm
This is out our back door!
They were so funny and I guess I was camra happy!
Emily and her cup
Spiting also is a new thing for her and if she is brushing her teath with you watch out she dosen't care who's in the way!
Kara's Favorite thing
It never fails that Kara heads for the trash first thing!
7 days apart
These cousins were born on the 1st and the 7th of July. Kara on the 7th she is the bigger one!
Sleepy baby
Kara loves Emily and just huggs her all the time!
All the Waite Brothers! Kelly, Pat, Bryce, and Eric
The Waite Family
Our lives
Well we are just getting ready for the summer! We own a pest control busness! And Our summers are always the busy time of the year! We are living in Nampa and renting a house. We love it and we love our ward! Bryce is in scouts and is so good with the boys. He works hard to get them working on their stuff! He works hard on the business. He sells the accounts and has been doing the service as well but our partner will be taking over doing the services. I am, the bookeeper and stay buisy with that as well as taking care of the girls. I am also the Enrichment Leader and am excited to get activities going! Emily is 2 1/2 and is in Nursry and loves it she comes home with a new song learned and has lots of friends! Kara is 8mo. and she ... well she still sleeps through most of church, But she is so fun to have around! We love spending time with Family and Friends, and are often found doing that! Well over all we are doing great!
Biker Grandma
Grandma got a new bike and Emily loves it!
She is so funny with her bald head!
Swinging Kara
Grandma and Grampa
They have matching bikes! so sweet!
Kara's toung
Snow fun
Emily Jayne
Emily is 2 1/2 she is so fun! She loves to watch movies and play with other kids, especally Kara! She is a good sister! She is learning to ride her bike!
Kara Sue
She is so fun she is 8 months old! She just rolls around and makes lots of noise! We have so much fun with her!
Snow fun
One Sunday after church I looked out my sliding glass door and the snow looked so beautiful. I had this little urge to just go and play in it! Emily and I went out in our dresses and made a snowman! It was fun but it was so cold! But we did it and it was fun. It was only a small snowman, and the next day it snowed more and it fell down then the snow covered it! But hey We had a good time!
Sisters fun
Julie, Shari and I one day durring sisters day decided to build a snowman! I was a day when it didnot stop snowing! We took only 15 min. to get it built while mom and the kids watched in the house! So fun some of the kids later went out and paiyed in the snow!
1 comment:
how fun!!!!!! i wish Wesley could have been there!
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